This wearable design uses the graphic from the cover of my time-travel adventure book "The Anachronistic Code" showing a single corner cube askew, symbolizing that there's something out of place in the 80s from whence the cube came. If you want to know more, you'll have to read the book...
Impossible Cube
Iron-on Transfers
If you are buying the iron-on transfer, please make sure you choose the correct option. If you are going to be putting the art on a piece of clothing that is white or a light colour, choose Iron-on transfer (light materials). If you want to put it on a black shirt or something bright, then choose Iron-on transfer (dark materials).
The lighter iron-on transfer is slightly cheaper, but leaves blank spaces in the art for areas that are supposed to be white, so the art will take on the colour of the material behind it. The transfers meant for dark materials print on their own white background, so the art is always correct.